Why Is My Square Account Deactivated?

Square is a popular and convenient payment processing platform for businesses, allowing them to accept credit and debit card payments seamlessly. However, there may be instances where a Square account gets deactivated, leaving business owners puzzled and frustrated. The deactivation of a Square account can occur due to various reasons, including fraudulent activity, violations of Square’s terms of service, unauthorized transactions, high chargeback ratios, or failure to comply with certain regulations. The purpose of this article is to explore the possible explanations behind a deactivated Square account, offering insights and suggestions on how to resolve the issue and reactivate the account, ultimately ensuring a smooth payment processing experience for businesses.

Why Is My Square Account Deactivated?

If you are wondering why your Square account has been deactivated, you’re in the right place! Discover the answers you’ve been seeking in this comprehensive guide.

Square account deactivations can occur due to various reasons, including potential violations of Square’s terms of service, suspicious account activity, or failure to provide the necessary information during the verification process. By understanding the reasons behind your account deactivation, you can take the necessary steps to resolve the issue and reactivate your Square account quickly.

Our informative article dives deep into the most common reasons for Square account deactivations, providing insights and tips on how you can prevent them in the future. Gain a clearer understanding of the potential violations that can trigger deactivation, such as engaging in illegal activities or violating Square’s fair use policy.

Additionally, we explore the importance of verifying your account and the steps you need to follow to ensure that your information meets Square’s requirements. Learn how providing accurate and up-to-date information during the verification process is crucial for maintaining an active Square account.

Understanding the reasons behind Square account deactivation is crucial for any business or individual relying on this platform for their payment processing needs. With the information provided in this article, you can take proactive measures to prevent future deactivations and ensure the smooth operation of your Square account.
Step 1: Double-check your Square account details
The first step in determining why your Square account has been deactivated is to double-check all your account details. Go to the Square website and login to your account. Ensure that your email address, phone number, and any other contact information is correct. Sometimes, deactivation can occur due to incorrect information, so it’s important to verify this first.

Step 2: Check for outstanding issues or disputes
If your account has been deactivated, it could be due to outstanding issues or disputes related to transactions. Review your transaction history and look for any customers who may have filed complaints or disputed charges. If there are any unresolved issues, try to address them promptly to clear your account.

Step 3: Verify your identity
Square may deactivate your account if there is a potential identity verification issue. In this case, you will receive an email asking you to go through the verification process. Follow the instructions provided in the email to complete the verification process, providing any required documentation or additional information.

Step 4: Contact Square customer support
If you have checked your account details, addressed any disputes, and completed the identity verification process, but your account remains deactivated, it is time to contact Square customer support. Visit the Square website and navigate to their customer support section. Look for options to contact support via phone, email, or chat. Explain the situation to the customer support representative and provide them with any relevant information they may request to resolve your account deactivation.

Step 5: Follow up and adhere to guidelines
After reaching out to Square customer support, it’s important to follow up on any instructions or guidelines they provide. Be patient and responsive throughout the process, as it may take time for them to investigate and resolve your account deactivation. Stay proactive and make sure to provide any additional information they may need to reactivate your account.


In conclusion, Square account deactivations can occur for a variety of reasons, including suspicious activity, violating Square’s terms of service, or failure to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. It is crucial for Square users to understand and adhere to the platform’s guidelines in order to avoid deactivation. Additionally, Square’s account deactivation process includes a thorough investigation and communication with the account holder to ensure a fair and transparent resolution. Square’s commitment to maintaining a secure and trustworthy platform ultimately benefits both the company and its users, ensuring a safe and reliable payment processing experience.