how do i unfriend someone without them knowing?

Unfriending someone on social media platforms like Facebook can be an uncomfortable task, especially when you want to do it discreetly without them knowing. There could be various reasons for wanting to unfriend someone without alerting them, such as avoiding drama or maintaining privacy. In this article, we will discuss step-by-step guidelines on how to unfriend someone without them knowing, ensuring a smooth and discreet process.

how do i unfriend someone without them knowing?

Learn how to unfriend someone without them knowing in this step-by-step guide. Avoid drama and maintain privacy with these discreet tips.

1. Go to the friend’s profile: Start by visiting the profile of the person you want to unfriend.

2. Click on the “Friends” button: On their profile page, locate the “Friends” button, usually found beneath their cover photo.

3. Select “Unfriend”: Click on the dropdown menu that appears once you click the “Friends” button and choose the “Unfriend” option.

4. Confirm unfriending: A pop-up box will appear asking for confirmation. Click on “Unfriend” again to proceed.

5. Adjust privacy settings: To avoid any future alerts or notifications, consider adjusting your privacy settings for posts and updates that may involve the person you just unfriended.


Unfriending someone on social media can sometimes be necessary for personal reasons. By following these simple steps, you can successfully unfriend someone without them knowing. Remember to respect privacy and handle such situations discreetly.