How Do I Recover My Administrator Account In Windows 10?

If you are using Windows 10 and find yourself locked out of your administrator account, you may feel a sense of panic and frustration. However, there are several methods available to help you recover your administrator account and regain access to your computer. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process, starting with the simplest solutions, such as checking for available updates and attempting to sign in using different credentials. If these methods fail to restore your administrator account, more advanced techniques, such as using a password reset disk or booting into Safe Mode, can be applied. With determination and the right tools, regaining control of your Windows 10 administrator account is achievable.

How Do I Recover My Administrator Account In Windows 10?

If you are locked out of your administrator account in Windows 10, don’t panic! Recovering your administrator account is possible with a few simple steps. In this article, we will guide you on how to regain access to your administrator account and restore your control over your PC.

To recover your administrator account in Windows 10, you can begin by restarting your computer in safe mode. Safe mode allows you to access your computer with the bare minimum system requirements, enabling you to troubleshoot and resolve most issues. From there, you can use the built-in administrator account or reset your password using various techniques, such as using a password reset disk or utilizing the command prompt.

By following our step-by-step guide, you will learn how to recover your administrator account in Windows 10 quickly and efficiently. We will cover the various methods you can employ and provide detailed instructions for each. With our helpful tips and tricks, you will regain control over your administrator account and be able to access your system once more.

Don’t let a locked administrator account hinder your productivity. Recovering your administrator account in Windows 10 is easier than you think. Take advantage of our comprehensive guide and restore your access in no time. Regain control over your system and get back to managing your computer with confidence.
If you have lost access to your administrator account in Windows 10, you can follow these steps to recover it:

1. Restart your computer: Begin by restarting your computer. When it starts booting up, press the F8 key repeatedly until the Advanced Boot Options menu appears. Select the “Safe Mode with Command Prompt” option and press Enter.

2. Access Command Prompt: After selecting the Safe Mode option, your computer will start up in Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Once you see the Command Prompt window, type “net user administrator /active:yes” and press Enter. This command will activate the hidden administrator account in Windows 10.

3. Log in with the administrator account: Restart your computer again, and this time you will see the additional administrator account on the login screen. Select the administrator account, enter the password if applicable, and click on the “Sign in” button.

4. Access Control Panel: Once you have logged in with the administrator account, open the Start menu and type “Control Panel” in the search bar. Click on the Control Panel app from the search results.

5. Change user account type: In the Control Panel window, select the “User Accounts” option. Then, click on the “User Accounts” link, followed by “Manage another account.” Choose the account that you are having trouble accessing and click on the “Change the account type” link. Change the account type from “Standard” to “Administrator” and click on the “Change Account Type” button.

6. Restart your computer: After making the necessary changes, restart your computer once again. This time, your original administrator account should be accessible.

7. Disable the hidden administrator account (optional): To disable the hidden administrator account you activated earlier, open the Command Prompt as an administrator. Type “net user administrator /active:no” and press Enter. This will deactivate the hidden administrator account in Windows 10.

By following these steps, you should be able to recover your administrator account in Windows 10 successfully.


In conclusion, recovering a lost or hacked administrator account in Windows 10 is possible, but it requires careful steps and attention to detail. By following the process of using the built-in administrator account, resetting the Microsoft account password, or utilizing a password reset disk, users can regain access to their administrator privileges. It is important to regularly update and secure administrator accounts to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, users should consider enabling and utilizing alternative security measures such as two-factor authentication or strong, unique passwords to further protect their accounts. Ultimately, taking precautions and remaining vigilant can help ensure the security and accessibility of administrator accounts in Windows 10.