How Do I Erase Everything On Ubuntu?

If you’re looking to erase everything on your Ubuntu system, whether because you’re planning to sell your device or want to start fresh, there are a few different methods you can use. One option is to reinstall Ubuntu completely, which will effectively erase all existing data on your device. Another approach is to use a utility like GParted or Disk Utility to delete all partitions on your hard drive. Additionally, you can opt for the more secure method of wiping your hard drive with a tool like Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) to ensure that your data is irrecoverably erased. It’s important to note that these methods will permanently erase your data, so be sure to have backups of any files you wish to keep.

How Do I Erase Everything On Ubuntu?

Are you looking to erase everything on your Ubuntu operating system? Look no further! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, ensuring that your system is completely wiped clean.

Removing all data, applications, and settings from Ubuntu may be necessary if you’re planning on selling or donating your device, or if you simply want to start fresh. With our step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to erase all traces of your personal information, creating a blank slate for the next user.

Our guide will cover various methods of erasing everything on Ubuntu, including using the built-in “Erase Disk” option during installation, running the “Secure Erase” command, or manually deleting files and directories. We’ll also provide important tips on securely removing sensitive data, preventing any possibility of recovery.

Don’t worry if you’re not a tech-savvy individual; our instructions are beginner-friendly and easy to follow. We’ll guide you through each process, ensuring that you don’t encounter any issues. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a completely wiped Ubuntu system, ready for a fresh start.

Safeguard your personal information and ensure your privacy when erasing everything on Ubuntu. Follow our expert advice and achieve a clean, well-functioning operating system. Start afresh with Ubuntu today!
If you are looking to erase everything on your Ubuntu operating system, you can follow these step-by-step instructions to achieve that:

1. Open your Ubuntu system and access the “Applications” menu located on the top left corner of your screen.
2. Type “Terminal” in the search bar and click on the Terminal application that appears.
3. Once the Terminal window opens, you will need to enter a command to access the root user. Type “sudo su” and hit enter. You will be prompted to enter your password, so go ahead and do that.
4. Now that you have root access, you are ready to begin the process of erasing everything on your Ubuntu system. Type the command “shred -vfz -n 7 /dev/(name of your hard drive)” and hit enter. Make sure to replace “(name of your hard drive)” with the actual name of your hard drive, which you can find by running the command “lsblk”.
5. The “shred” command will securely erase your hard drive by overwriting all data multiple times. The “-vfz -n 7” options specify the number of times the data is overwritten, with a value of 7 being a recommended secure option.
6. The process will take some time depending on the size of your hard drive and the speed of your computer. Do not interrupt the process once it has started.
7. Once the “shred” command has completed, you can proceed to reinstall Ubuntu or install a different operating system if desired. To do this, you will need to create a bootable USB or DVD with the installation media and follow the installation instructions provided by the specific operating system.
8. After successfully installing a new operating system, your hard drive will be completely erased, and you can start using your Ubuntu system with a fresh start.

It is important to note that erasing everything on your Ubuntu system will permanently delete all files, programs, and settings. Make sure to backup any important data before proceeding with these steps. Additionally, exercise caution when entering commands into the Terminal as they have the potential to cause irreversible changes to your system.


In conclusion, erasing everything on Ubuntu can be done easily and effectively by following the right steps. By creating a backup of important data, logging into the system as the administrator, and using the appropriate command lines or disk formatting tools, users can effectively erase all data on their Ubuntu system. It is crucial to double-check and ensure that all backups have been successfully made before proceeding with the erase process. Additionally, it is advisable to be cautious and pay attention to the instructions provided to avoid any potential data loss or system damage.