How Do I Delete My Pubg Account 2023?

Deleting your PUBG account may be a decision driven by various reasons such as wanting to start afresh or simply taking a break from the game. If you are contemplating deleting your PUBG account in 2023, it is essential to follow the correct procedure. To initiate the deletion process, you can visit the official PUBG website and navigate to the account settings section. From there, you can find the option to delete your account permanently. However, it is crucial to note that deleting your PUBG account will result in the loss of all your progress, achievements, and in-game items. Make sure to consider these factors before proceeding with the account deletion process.

How Do I Delete My Pubg Account 2023?

If you are wondering how to delete your PUBG account in 2023, you have come to the right place. Deleting your PUBG account can be a straightforward process if you follow the right steps. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the necessary procedures to effectively delete your account.

To delete your PUBG account in 2023, you need to ensure that you have a valid reason for doing so. Deleting your account will result in the permanent loss of all your progress, achievements, and items. Once you are certain about your decision, visit the official PUBG website and log in to your account.

Once you are logged in, navigate to the account settings section. Here, you will find the option to delete your account. Clicking on this option will prompt you to verify your decision and enter your password for confirmation.

It’s important to note that deleting your PUBG account is an irreversible process. Therefore, take the time to assess your decision before proceeding. Ensure that you have backed up any important data or items that you may want to keep.

We understand that circumstances change and you may want to delete your PUBG account in 2023. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively delete your account and start fresh if needed.
If you are looking for instructions on how to delete your PUBG account in 2023, follow the step-by-step guide below:

1. First, make sure you have the PUBG game installed on your device and have access to the account you want to delete.

2. Open the PUBG game on your device. This can be done on a computer, mobile phone, or gaming console.

3. Once the game is launched, navigate to the settings menu. This is usually represented by a gear or wrench icon and can be found in the main menu or within the game’s options.

4. In the settings menu, look for an option related to “Account” or “Account Settings”. Click on this option to access your account settings.

5. Within the account settings, search for an option labeled “Delete Account” or something similar. This option may be located at the bottom of the menu or in a separate tab within the account settings.

6. Once you find the “Delete Account” option, click on it to proceed. You may be prompted to enter your account password or verify your identity in order to continue.

7. After confirming your account deletion request, you may be asked to provide a reason for deleting your account. Choose a reason from the given options or provide a brief explanation in the provided text box.

8. Once you have completed the deletion request, the game will initiate the process of deleting your account. This may take some time to complete, so be patient.

9. Once your account deletion is successful, you should receive a confirmation message or email stating that your account has been permanently deleted.

10. After deleting your PUBG account, it is recommended to uninstall the game from your device to ensure your account data is completely removed.

Remember, deleting your PUBG account is irreversible, and all your progress and data associated with the account will be lost. Make sure to carefully consider your decision before proceeding with the account deletion.


In conclusion, deleting a PUBG account in 2023 requires a few simple steps. First, log in to your PUBG account and navigate to the account settings. Locate the “Delete Account” option and click on it. You will likely be asked to confirm the deletion by entering your account password. Once confirmed, your account and all associated data will be permanently deleted. It is important to note that this action cannot be undone, so make sure to back up any important data beforehand. Deleting your PUBG account can be a straightforward process that allows you to safeguard your privacy and take control of your gaming experience.