How Do I Delete My Firstmet Account?

If you’ve decided that Firstmet is no longer the right dating platform for you and want to move on, deleting your account is a straightforward process. Firstmet, previously known as Are You Interested (AYI), is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with others based on their preferences and interests. However, if you’re looking to permanently delete your account, it’s essential to know the correct steps. In this guide, we will outline the easy-to-follow instructions on how to delete your Firstmet account, ensuring that your personal information is no longer accessible on the platform.

How Do I Delete My Firstmet Account?

Are you tired of using Firstmet and want to delete your account? Discover the simple steps to delete your Firstmet account hassle-free. Deleting your Firstmet account is quick and easy, ensuring that your personal information remains confidential and secure.

Firstmet is a popular online dating platform that connects people from all walks of life. However, if you have found your match or simply want to take a break from online dating, it’s important to know how to permanently delete your Firstmet account.

To delete your Firstmet account, start by logging into your account. Once logged in, navigate to the settings or account management section. Look for the option to delete or deactivate your account. Click on this option and carefully follow the instructions provided.

Deleting your Firstmet account ensures that your profile, photos, and personal information are permanently removed from the platform. It also prevents you from receiving any unwanted messages or notifications. So, if you’re ready to move on, follow the straightforward steps and bid farewell to your Firstmet account for good.

Remember, deleting your Firstmet account is a personal decision, and it’s essential to consider all factors before making the final cut. But once you’ve made up your mind, follow the process described above, and wave goodbye to your Firstmet account today!
If you have decided that you no longer want to use FirstMet and want to delete your account, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device and go to the FirstMet website.

2. Log in to your account using your username and password. If you have forgotten your login credentials, you can click on the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password.

3. Once logged in, locate the account settings or profile settings. This can usually be found by clicking on your profile picture or username, which will open a dropdown menu. Look for an option like “Settings” or “Account Settings.”

4. After clicking on the account settings, navigate to the “Privacy” or “Security” section of the settings page. The location may vary depending on the website’s layout.

5. Look for an option to “Deactivate” or “Delete” your account. This option might also be listed as “Close Account” or “Cancel Subscription.”

6. Click on the “Deactivate” or “Delete” button. A confirmation message might pop up, asking if you are sure you want to delete your account. Read the message carefully and confirm your decision.

7. Some websites might ask you to provide a reason for deleting your account. Select an appropriate reason from the provided options or write your reason in a text box.

8. Depending on the website, you might be required to enter your password again or complete an additional verification step to confirm your identity.

9. Once you have completed any required steps, click on the “Confirm” or “Delete Account” button.

10. You will receive a confirmation email or message stating that your FirstMet account has been successfully deleted. Make sure to check your inbox or spam folder for this message.

Now your FirstMet account has been deleted, and you will no longer have access to any of the features or benefits associated with the platform. Remember to uninstall the FirstMet app from your mobile device if you had it installed.


In conclusion, deleting your FirstMet account is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. By following the instructions provided in this guide, you can ensure the permanent removal of your profile from the site. It is important to consider your reasons for deleting the account, as there may be alternative solutions that better suit your needs. Additionally, it is advisable to review any existing subscriptions or memberships tied to your account to avoid any unexpected charges. Overall, taking the time to properly delete your FirstMet account can provide peace of mind and protect your privacy.